February 29, 2012

Stylish Choices

So how does one exactly live a fashionable life? Well I can tell you one thing- it is much more than owning the most expensive pair of shoes, having perfectly blown out hair, or obsessing over perfection. In reality, it is a much simpler concept than that- it is entirely about the lifestyle that you live. Based upon the choices that you make, you can evolve your life into filled of pure bliss and happiness. By consistently making these stylish choices, you’ll discover an entirely new meaning to the world lifestyle.

1. Surround yourself with inspiring and compassionate people.

2. Eliminate negative thoughts and choose to believe in yourself. After all, the only thing holding you back is yourself.

3. Respect your body by providing it with proper nutrition, rest, and healthy amounts of exercise.

4. Dress yourself in a manner that exclaims to the world that you respect yourself, therefore you demand respect from the world also.

5. Give love to others, and the world will show you love back.

February 28, 2012

Dress to Impress Occasions

Ever since you were a child and your mother dressed you, you knew there were certain occasions that required you to dress more formally- church, school dances, working opportunities, and many more. But hopefully these traditions have turned into habits that as young or full grown adults. It is essential to understand the importance of dressing oneself up. But there are five more occasions that are apart of a weekly or monthly routine that you should make efforts towards. They are all events that by dressing up for, you will find yourself excelling at and in return fueling your confidence which will allow you to do your best in every area of life. Then again you will find yourself shinning in these activities even more from your newly elevated self esteem and the cycle will begin again. Take a look below at the five opportunities you have to kick start this sensation.

Working Out
·      The standard baggy t-shirt and sweatpants just won’t cut it if you want to perform your best. Try wearing bright and fun colors and prints as well as mixing it up with various tank tops, leggings, and track jackets. The market for active apparel has expanded tremendously and much of its clothing is acceptable for wearing outside of the gym as well.
·      By dressing up for class, you’ll be motivated to pay attention, confident enough to participate in class and ask questions, as well as impress your classmates and professors. And by dressing nicely for exams, it is a subtle sign to yourself that you dressed your best, now you are going to do your best.
·      Whether you are standing in front of a small group of people or an audience hall of people, you are going to give your great presentation by feeling your greatest which stems from dressing your at your finest. Not only will you look professional, but you will seem as if you know what your doing, in every aspect.
Meeting Someone Knew
·      You never know when a simple encounter could turn into a lifelong friendship, romantic relationship, or useful networking opportunity therefore you should always make a fantastic first impression and dress accordingly.
A Busy Day
·      If your day is filled with running errands, working, classes, appointments, and social events- dress up; that way you will look presentable for all of these events and you spirits will be lifted, giving you the energy and motivation to complete all the necessary tasks. In addition, if some spontaneous opportunity comes up, you will be well dressed and supplied with confidence to take on whatever challenge comes your way.

February 27, 2012

Count What Matters

It seems that we as a society revolve our lives around numbers- how much money we have, grades in school, or how much time we have wasted on a task. But what about the numbers we count in regards to our bodies- calories consumed, weight gained, or the size of our clothing. Instead of focusing on detailed and insignificant numbers, why not focus on the bigger picture and count what really matters- your blessings and fantastic qualities.

First, let’s address the behavioral or more abstractly beautiful things about you. Are you an excellent scholar, an intense listener, or have an infectious sense of humor? As far as skin deep assets would you say you are compassionate, thoughtful, patient, passionate, well mannered? These traits, as well as many more are plenty of things to make you feel proud and worthy of yourself.

Want to count some blessings that are a bit more closer to the surface? Well do you have healthy fingers nails that just hold all nail polishes well? Or beautiful long eyelashes? What about you skin tone, can you rock a bright tangerine orange like no one else? What makes physical feature do you have that makes you stand out in society? Or do you possess a ethnic feature that makes you proud of your heritage? Many of these small details are qualities that are often overlooked but are worthy of showing off.

After answering these questions and doing some further self reflection, try doing the following. During a time when you are feeling sensational and overjoyed at all you have accomplished, count what matters by writing down seven aspects from these two categories that you love about yourself. That way, when you are experiencing a rough patch of shame and insecurity, you can look back at this list and be reminded of why you should be grateful. We all possess beauty internally and on the surface, so keep track of what matters and choose to look past your inhibitions.

February 26, 2012


Today, Sunday February 26th begins the first day of Eating Disorder Awareness Week, EDAW, sponsored by the National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders, also known as ANAD. It is a week devoted to educating society about eating disorders, as well as reminding the masses the importance of respecting our bodies. So what exactly does EDAW have to do with FashionMatterns, or fashion in general?
Fashion and self confidence have everything to do with each other, and their link explains why it is that I am pursuing a career in fashion. How you choose to dress yourself each day has powerful effects on your self esteem. Even if you may be feeling self conscious about your body one particular day, by simply wearing an outfit that you love, your self esteem can soar.
The well known celebrity stylist, Rachel Zoe has explained this sensation well by saying,
 “I’m a firm believer in the adage that it is what’s on the inside that ultimately counts. I mean, who doesn’t subscribe to that? But there is plenty of virtue in aesthetics, too. And a smear of lip gloss and a bang-up haircut can have powerful results both inside and out.”
It is fashion that made me realize the respect that I owe to myself and my body. The feeling when you put on a dress that extenuates every curve properly, and hides all of your flaws, I live for that feeling. The way that I dress myself makes me feel unstoppable, worthy, and as if I can do anything. This transformative power that I have experienced with fashion is where I draw strength from to get over my fears and insecurities. I hope that by reading all of the upcoming posts for this week, you may learn that fashion is a friend that can help you feel strong while enduring the challenges of life.
Keep checking in and email me your thoughts at fashionmatterns@gmail.com