February 26, 2012


Today, Sunday February 26th begins the first day of Eating Disorder Awareness Week, EDAW, sponsored by the National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders, also known as ANAD. It is a week devoted to educating society about eating disorders, as well as reminding the masses the importance of respecting our bodies. So what exactly does EDAW have to do with FashionMatterns, or fashion in general?
Fashion and self confidence have everything to do with each other, and their link explains why it is that I am pursuing a career in fashion. How you choose to dress yourself each day has powerful effects on your self esteem. Even if you may be feeling self conscious about your body one particular day, by simply wearing an outfit that you love, your self esteem can soar.
The well known celebrity stylist, Rachel Zoe has explained this sensation well by saying,
 “I’m a firm believer in the adage that it is what’s on the inside that ultimately counts. I mean, who doesn’t subscribe to that? But there is plenty of virtue in aesthetics, too. And a smear of lip gloss and a bang-up haircut can have powerful results both inside and out.”
It is fashion that made me realize the respect that I owe to myself and my body. The feeling when you put on a dress that extenuates every curve properly, and hides all of your flaws, I live for that feeling. The way that I dress myself makes me feel unstoppable, worthy, and as if I can do anything. This transformative power that I have experienced with fashion is where I draw strength from to get over my fears and insecurities. I hope that by reading all of the upcoming posts for this week, you may learn that fashion is a friend that can help you feel strong while enduring the challenges of life.
Keep checking in and email me your thoughts at fashionmatterns@gmail.com

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