Love this- Showing strength and power in simple and stylish ways.
September 16, 2012
June 13, 2012
Sweet Southern Dreams
We are almost half way through June and people all over the country are celebrating the return of summer! Hot days, warm nights, barbecues, sweet tea, thunderstorms, days spent at the beach, and overall a relaxing sense and carefree attitude. I too am celebrating this magical season, but unfortunately classes and school work will be consuming my summer for my university is year round. But as I sit in at the library to write papers and study for exams, my new interest in country music is causing me to day dream endlessly of being in the south. As I day dream of carefree days spent in the south and reminisce of previous summers spent in South Carolina, I dream of the wardrobe I would be wearing, hence the inspiration board you see above.
I may not be making a trip down south anytime soon, but I'll be using my wardrobe, music selection, and attitude to transform my outlook into a summer and southern state of mind.
The Inspirational Playlist
1. I Don't Want This Night to End Luke Bryan
2. Back Down South Kings of Leon
3. Toes Zac Brown Band
4. The Age of Worry John Mayer
5. Drunk on You Luke Bryan
6. Summertime Kenny Chesney
7. We Own the Night Lady Antebellum
8. Barefoot Blue Jean Night Jake Owen
9. The Way You Love Me Faith Hill
10. Up Shania Twain
11. Love in a College Town Luke Bryan
The Inspiration Board
(from left to right)
shorts: Lilly Pulitzer
sandals: American Eagle
luggage: Vera Bradley
skirt: Nordstrom
bracelets: Nordstrom
dress: Lilly Pulitzer
clutch: Lilly Pulitzer
shirt: Gap
sandals: DSW
dress: Lilly Pulitzer
tote: Lilly Pulitzer
boots: American Eagle
hat: Franchesca's
bangles: Nordstrom
floppy hat: Nordstrom
shoes: Sperry Topsider
May 3, 2012
A Thoughtful Idea
I recently made a trip to Target with a friend to go grocery shopping (if you do not already know that I love Target read this). On this trip I had to buy flashcards, but I was looking for a particular size, color, and possible box to hold them. When it was difficult to find the particular style I was looking for, my friend questioned what exactly I was using them for. I immediately became bashful, hoping to avoid opening up as to what I was secretly up to, but then,I thought, why not be honest about what I was doing. So I am going to share with the readers of Fashion Matterns exactly what I was doing.
Since April 22, I have been writing down my thoughts on these notecards that I purchased from Target. One notecard per day, with one simple thought per day. My plan is to do it for one year; resulting in 365 notecards with 365 thoughts that will allow me to look back and reflect on my year.
I have never been fond of keeping a journal, I find it to be too time consuming and I can think faster than I can write, therefore I become quickly frustrated when trying to sort my thoughts and write them down at a speed that keeps up with my thought process. But, I do strongly value writing and reflecting on one's thoughts which is what lead me to devise this plan.
My thoughts each day are different. Sometimes I write down the best part of my day, or something personal that I need to work on, I even write down song lyrics that I love. There are no rules to what I write down as long as its meaningful and it must be limited to one thought. I decided to share this personal project that I am working on because growing is all about reflecting and as people striving to live a fashionable life, we should all be looking to grow!
May 2, 2012
Your Own Enterprise
You know when you have one of the moments where you feel very inspired and uplifted and you have to share your intense feelings with the world immediately- well that’s how I feel right now, as I am writing this post.
Each year the college I attend, Drexel University, has a distinguished speaker come and give a lecture to students of the Design and Merchandising program. I just came from this year’s presentation which was an insightful lecture given by the Chief Executive Officer of Burberry, Angela Ahrendts. Everything about this woman- her diction, her intelligence, her heartfelt and contagious passion, and overall sophistication was stirring. In her presentation, she gave an overview of the company, as well as the direction that Burberry is moving. But she also gave insight into how she runs the company and her business philosophies. And you may be wondering, why would her insight in particular be significant? Well did you know that Burberry is ranked #4 in the top fastest growing companies globally; just after companies such as Apple, Google, and Amazon. Personally I was astounded by this detail.
One of the concepts that she spoke about that I appreciated the greatest, and would like to pass on to readers of Fashion Matterns is the importance of looking back. When she took over as the CEO of Burberry, she established Christopher Bailey as chief creative officer. As a two-person team, they reflected on how Burberry came to be and what makes them worthy or significant as a company. It was from this thoughtful reflection that they established the company’s values and were able to decide what direction the company should take. With this new vision for the company, they were able to transform Burberry into the 13th most innovative company in the world, as well as mentioned before the 4th fastest growing company. So if it worked for them, it can work for you!
If you are like me, and are looking for ways to grow and improve, model your own life in a strategic way similar to what Burberry has done. Look back on your experiences, decide what has and has not worked for you. Look back at where you came from and how you came to be who you are. Reflect on what values are important to you and what direction you want to move in. Set goals for yourself and create a mission. Essentially, reflect, establish, and move forward.
It may seem silly, but try thinking about the concepts mentioned above and create a set of values you want to live by and a mission statement for yourself. Every established and well thought-out company or organization has one, so why shouldn’t you as an individual enterprise have one as well?
You can expect a set of values and mission statement from Fashion Matterns soon! Let me know how yours goes as well.
May 1, 2012
Always Dress to Impress
You never know who you are going to come across- your rival, your future husband, the President, or even Dakota Fanning!
While sightseeing in Washington D.C. this past weekend, I spotted a young woman in a stunningly chic outfit complete with a fabulous Celine handbag. Now, you have to be someone to have one of these bags, or quite a bit of money for they are the "it" bag right now and there are waiting lists to purchase one. My immediate thoughts were...
1. Wow, I should have dressed up more.
2. She must be someone famous if she has that bag.
Turns out, her handbag hinted at who she really was. This stylish young woman, observing the memorials through the National Mall beside me, turned out to be Dakota Fanning. I was star struck, delighted, and inspired to be in the presence of such a fashionable person.
Her stylish presentation reminded me that no matter what the occasion, you should always dress to impress. Just because you are sight-seeing or taking on the roll of a tourist does not give one the privilege of dressing like a careless slob, concerned only with comfort.
Take pride in yourself, your appearance, and it will enhance your abilities to make the most of any situation.
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My well dressed roommate with Dakota Fanning at the National Mall. |
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Dakota Fanning pictured with her well known Celine handbag. |
April 30, 2012
Georgetown Cupcake
After seeing the Abraham Lincoln memorial, visiting the Museum of National History, exploring other areas of the National Mall, and walking just about everywhere throughout Washington D.C., my friends and I were exhausted. We were reaching the end of our day trip to the capital, but we had one more exciting destination to visit- Georgetown Cupcake! According to the local students and TLC, it is a renowned bakery that is an absolute must see, and must taste, while in the D.C. area. And I am pleased to say that after waiting forty-five minutes in line, it was the icing on top of a sweet day.
In a society where the phrase “less is more” seems to have almost no significance, I found my minimalistic experience at Georgetown Cupcake to be unusual but refreshing. Georgetown Cupcake may sound familiar and that is because TLC has created the television show DC Cupcakes based on the business started by two sisters, Katherine Kallinis and Sophie LaMontagne. Before I entered the bakery, I had preconceived notions of what the bakery and cupcakes would be, based on my experiences with bakeries in Philadelphia, throughout New Jersey, as well as Carolos’ Bakery in Hoboken, New Jersey (also known for their television show on TLC, Cake Boss). My general consensus came to be that cupcakes are large messes corrupted by overly sugary substances with elaborate decorations and frosting. But when I bit into my chocolate cupcake from Georgetown Cupcake, I was surprised at the purely delightful taste; the cupcakes were understated and unpretentious in nature.
Every aspect of the bakery and cupcakes was uncomplicated, but was still satisfying and fun. The décor in the bakery, the packaging used, the layout of the menu, the assortment of cupcakes, the decorations on the cupcakes, the variety of the merchandise, the ingredients used, the graphics and logo, and the overall essence that the cupcakes gave off was sophisticated and of the highest quality but very simple. There was a strong focus on the cupcakes serving their original purpose, as food, rather than as frivolous or overdone art.
The simplistic nature of the cupcakes also reflected in the atmosphere of the bakery. The staff members were upbeat, but also calm and collected. They were not frantically running around serving a complicated assortment of extravagant cupcakes.
Another few aspects that I greatly appreciated were the reasonable prices and serving size of the capcake. In essence with the rest of image of the bakery, the cupcakes were moderately sized, perfect for a nice, sweet treat and were priced at 2.75 each; which is inexpensive compared to $5 oversized cupcakes served in the Philadelphia area.
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Perfectly Sized. Perfectly Priced. |
April 19, 2012
Staying Connected
I apologize for the lack of posting recently. School, work, and overall the craziness of living life has taken over but I promise, posts are coming your way soon. In the meantime, did you know you can still stay connected with FashionMatterns through Pinterest?
I find Pinterest to be a stress reliever. It gives me a chance to put together my dreams (see A Girl Can Dream, Can't She?) or plan out my dream apartment through pinning pictures of well designed interiors (see Lovely Decour). So even though the posts have been lacking, the pinning has not!
Check in soon for posts, explore the Pinterest boards, and keep living fashionably.
xoxo FashionMatterns
April 6, 2012
A Life of Brilliant Color
Can you imagine if everyone dressed like this- color from head to toe incorporated with bright prints to create a vibrant outfits. Life would be so colorful and fun, and you would feel uplifted just by looking in a new direction. I am not sure if it is because our economy is moving in a better direction or if it is just because spring is in the air, but it seems that everyone both in and out of fashion are infusing their wardrobes with color and I am loving every bit of it! Allow this photograph to inspire you; you only live once so why not live your life in brilliant color?
photo credit: pinterest
April 2, 2012
Post Vacation Blues
You are use to seeing swaying palm trees, feeling a fresh breeze, the smell of sea salt, the feeling of a cold drink in your hand and sand between your toes, but abruptly all of this changes as your spring vacation comes to an end. So what's a girl to do when they are thrown back into their previous routine filled with stress and anxiety? The answer: integrate aspects of your vacation with a few other tips into your routine and you can continue your relaxed, easy living, and blissful lifestyle.
1. Show off your tan
Metallic accents contrast beautifully against tanned skin. Also try wearing white, bright colors, and shades of neon.
2. Relax the makeup
It is highly likely that you did not wear heavy amounts of makeup while at the beach or doing other fun activities on your vacation. Keep this going- it will make your beauty routine quicker and your freshly sun kissed skin will not be overpowered by artificial elements. Also, try letting your hair air dry and take on its natural shape, it will cause you to have a sexy and carefree look.
3. Make a playlist
Compile a list of music that reminds you of your trip, for example, songs that you listened to on repeat; or put together a playlist of music of the area you traveled to, for example, Bob Marley and Jimmy Buffet for tropical vacations. Listen to this playlist whenever you need a pick me up.
4. Please the aesthetics.
While on vacation, your senses were exposed to many beautiful and fulfilling sensations. For example, the smell of sea salt, the exfoliating powers of sand, the delicious taste of fruity drinks, and the warm sun on your skin. To keep up with these sensations, make yourself a sea salt scrub to use in the shower, whip up some tropical drinks, sit outside, etc.
5. Take time to relax
The absolute best part of a vacation is the release of stress. With little access to the Internet, practically no responsibilities, and being surrounded by good company, it is difficult to be tense and nervous. Try limiting your time on the Internet, deliberately take time out of your day to disconnect from the world, and think back to your vacation and dream of the day when you can return.
photo credit: pinterest
photo credit: pinterest
March 21, 2012
A New Style Icon
Designers are seizing every chance they get to dress this young starlet. While promoting her most recent film, The Hunger Games, Jennifer Lawrence has bewitched everyone in the world of fashion. But who wouldn't want to dress her- gorgeous, sophisticated, and most importantly, confident, we should all take cues from this fearless young woman.
March 19, 2012
Fashionable Living: De-Stress
Whether you have a ten-minute break or a few hours to spare, here are some activities you can do to unwind and clear your mind in between work, school, or the general, everyday insanity we face in our modern society.
Sit in the sun
Just soak it up and pretend you’re on an exotic beach somewhere. The imagination is a powerful tool; use it to let your mind escape.
Stretch, do some yoga, or even try something intense that will make you sweat like spin classes or running.
Make a board of your dream vacation or something that you can look forward to one day. It may seem silly or farfetched by having goals and dreams gives aspirations to work towards, making stress worth it.
Baking from scratch
Bake a delicious treat and then give it away. You will feel accomplished and you can brighten someone else’s day.
Calling A Friend
Contact someone that knows you well that you can just be natural around and laugh with. Laughing is the best medicine after all.
Reading a Magazine
Focusing on a topic or having your mind be stimulated by images will create a distraction from your stress allowing your mind to become clear. You will be able to approach your work again feeling refreshed and inspired.
Using your hands to create art can be challenging, but the challenge will require your full attention preventing you from thinking about the pressure you are under.
Listening to Music
Have a go to playlist with a theme- summer, swing music, romantic songs, or anything that allows you to envision an event and takes you away.
Feeling guilty about taking a break? Organizing and cleaning can be justified because it’s a necessity to maintaining a healthy standard of living.
Being in a stressed or anxious state of mind is never stylish. Keep calm, try one of these activities, and live fashionably on.
photo credit: pinterest
photo credit: pinterest
March 17, 2012
Live Colorfully!
What's a girl to do when the sun is shinning and the weather is as lovely as it has been in the Northeast this spring? Dress fearlessly in color of course! Take a look at Kate Spade for some bright inspiration and live colorfully as they would advise.
March 14, 2012
Stylish Spaces
When I moved into my compact and cramped freshmen dorm room, I had to do my best to organize all of my items in the limited space that I was given. At the time, I had recently bought tall rain boots and could not find a place to store them. That's when my grandmother said to me, "They're interesting enough to display like art. Why not arrange them on top of your wardrobe instead of hiding them away somewhere."
That moment is when it clicked in my mind, why not display my treasured accessories and jewelry pieces like art and give them the attention they deserve. Below are pictures from a website called the coveteur; we can take hints from them as to how to beautifully display are fashion items amongst every day items to decorate our spaces.
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Show off all your special items- Award, handbag, and shoes. |
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For simplicity, work with neutral colors- Shoes, handbag, books, artwork, lamp. |
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Mix quirky items with luxury items such as a crocodile and jewels. |
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This oozes with sophistication- soft pink roses, heels, and art books. |
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Play with different textures- flowers, candles, books, a clutch, and a jewelry box. |
March 12, 2012
Fashionable Living: Trendy Travels
Traveling: it is the one time when I know many of us fashionistas go straight for comfort and throw any sense of style out the window. Here are a few pointers to ensure your next trip is both comfortable and chic, spring break anyone?
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A simple outfit such as skinny jeans and a button down is simple but very polished. Look for an oxford shirt with some stretch and pair it with flats. Perfect for a day of shopping or sight seeing. |
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How effortlessly cool is this outfit for spending a day in a new city? Wear it with flats or cute Ked sneakers for walking purposes and transition it to night time activities some festive jewelry. |
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This is a great outfit to wear on a plane. A simple t-shirt, blazer or cardigan, and slouchy pants are all relaxed and comfortable. The eye catching sandals, feminine hair do, scarf, and handbag add a personal touch to this outfit. |
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A cross body bag is essential for any trip. It keeps your hands free and provides storage. |
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An oversize sweater and scarf are perfect to snuggle with on your train ride or flight. She is comfortable but also ready to take on the next adventure. |
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Wearing your hair up or out of your face or a half up/half down style looks sophisticated, is durable, and fashionable for practically any event. |
March 9, 2012
Something New
Timid, apprehensive, and frankly, whimpy are a few adjectives I would use to describe my attitude towards being adventurous or trying something new. And it was not until this past weekend when I went snowboarding that I was reminded of the exhilarating pleasures of discovering a new interest.
I full heartedly believe that one of the best sensations we get to experience as humans is beginning a new venture and discovering that we love it! Of course, there are times when taking the plunge does not work out well, but when it does, it is so spectacular that it outweighs all of the other past experiences.
So how can one take this experience and become more stylish because of it? Simply try new things and have an open minded attitude about it. If the experience seems to be less than fulfilling, do not sulk in negativity. But grasp every bit of energy and bask in the new outlook that you gain from the invigorating adventure.
An additional plus, new activities provide opportunities for dressing up in new fashions. For example, bright and fun winter gear for snowboarding, an alluring and demur wide rimmed hat for beaching while traveling to new and exotic islands, or feminine and sophisticated accessories for meeting someone new. One can take these new fashionable endeavors and incorporate them into their routine as well. In every way possible, take advantage of all opportunities and allow them to inject some new energy and style into life.
photo credit: pinterest
March 7, 2012
A Bracelet Tradition
It began June of 2010- the greatest summer I have experienced to date. Having just graduated from high school, my friends and I were set to have a memorable summer filled with late nights, new experiences, and overall crazy and nostalgic teenage fun. When the summer began to wind down, I realized that I had been wearing three bracelets the entire season. The first was pale pink with silver hardware attached and it was from American Eagle. The second one was several tan braided ropes, also with silver hardware and from American Eagle. The third was a silver bracelet with white details that was a gift. All throughout my time spent in the ocean during beach trips, running over fields while playing flag football, and even when my wrist was held over fires to roast marshmallows, my faithful bracelets remained intact on my sun kissed wrists.
When September rolled around and it was time for me to leave for college, these three bracelets filled with memories still did not come off my wrists. Eventually I took them off because I realized that I was beginning a new adventure by starting my college experience and I did not want to be stuck in the past. But I still have these bracelets and look at them often to be reminded of the pure and youthful bliss I experienced that summer.
Since that summer, I have kept up with this tradition, even buying new bracelets to commemorate spring break trips and other fun experiences.
So here is my suggestion: if you have adventurous or interesting opportunities coming up (spring break for college students), invest in a bracelet to wear throughout the entire experience. I have come across stylish and inexpensive bracelets at stores such as Nordstrom (pictured above), American Eagle, H&M, and Forever 21. I would even recommend wearing it for the entire spring season to remind yourself of the energy you felt during that time and to allow that energy to be infused into everything you do for the rest of that season. By the end, you will have a fashionable signature item and noteworthy token to hold onto.
March 5, 2012
Treat Yourself Like A Queen
Women are always saying, they are waiting for their prince charming to walk into their lives and sweep them off their feet; but how realistic is that idea? We live in a world where a person cannot wait for their dreams or wishes to be handed to them, they have to work for them by being persistent and proactive. That is why a woman cannot expect for the man of your dreams to just appear one day and magically fall in love, one must work for it.
Now the idea of “working for love” may seem unnatural or counter intuitive. It certainly does not mean to throw yourself at every attractive man that comes along or to act in a way that indulges high maintenance habits or diva attitudes. Rather one should keep herself up with the high standards of being a true lady. Being well mannered, spoken, and educated, as well as having a selfless attitude towards other, a light hearted sense of humor, and a deep respect for oneself through grooming tendencies and a strong sense of self esteem will ensure that one is attracting the right sort of man.
It is through these particular traits that one will exude class and make fashionable choices on a regular basis, ensuring that one is well prepared for the day that fate places one’s king into their life.
To all of my stylish and lovely readers,
Firstly, THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart, for checking in with FashionMatterns and making it apart of your regular reading. It is because of you that FashionMatterns has been able to achieve great things recently.
Secondly, FashionMatterns will be undergoing some changes in the near future. Each week you can expect to see at least new three posts- Sophisticated Thinking on Mondays, Editor’s choice on Wednesdays, and Fearless Fridays. Also, with the help of a dear friend, FashionMatterns will be receiving a graphic face lift and makeover.
Keep checking in for exciting new changes and thank you for all of your support and love!
March 2, 2012
Who Says
You made me insecure,
Told me I wasn’t good enough.
But who are you to judge
When you’re a diamond in the rough.
I’m sure you got some things
You’d like to change about yourself.
But when it comes to me
I wouldn’t want to be anybody else.
I’m no beauty queen
I’m just beautiful me
You’ve got every right, to a beautiful life.
Who says, who says you're not perfect?
Who says you're not worth it?
Who says you're the only one that's hurtin'?
Trust me, that's the price of beauty
Who says you're not pretty?
Who says you're not beautiful?
The path to gaining self respect- Selena Gomez says it best in her song, Who Says. The remarkable thing about self esteem is that YOU are in complete control of it. People may judge you or criticize you, in fact they will judge you and criticize you, but you are the one in command.
And yes, it is much easier said then done, to ignore what others say and think, but once you choose to do that and you choose to believe in yourself, you will blossom.
What is the harm in being confident and poised? If this is your outlook, I do not see any results other than success and happiness in your future.
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